Friday, September 10, 2010

I like videos

Howdies peoples.

My blog post published on Hari Raya itself, what shall I say?

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dear friends! Hope y'all enjoy and have a great time eating :)

Speaking of which, I'm on the fence on whether I should go istana this year (it's open right) Ah if so I'd have to go on Saturday morning, which means many many many many x n people. Oh gawrsh.

I have tomorrow to think it out.

Been immersed in the world of Korean dramas and entertainment shows lately. When I don't do anything, open Media Player I go, or to seek for new shows from a certain reliable website. They're all cn-subbed! Yeay! Also chasing after about 4 current drama, all of which I can say is still entertaining so far. But then again, I'm not really the type to discontinue watching something unless I think it really really really sucks (can only rmb one drama I did that to, so far).

On the days I'm not at home, I'm outside working, as a distributor for Amway products, or attending courses and growing my brain with many many water and knowledge and hopefully, a money tree will grow from all these, ka-ching!

The meetings aren't as bad as I thought to be. Once you get to know all the uncles and aunties, they actually radiate such positive energy that I can't help but break a smile when they beam at me. Good environment for a person on Prozac huh?

I'll work hard, who knows I'll be something someday. That'll show you people serious I can be about something.


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