Wednesday, April 16, 2008

[5.30 am] I love this time

Yay! 5.30 am and i'm not asleep yet. It's been long since i've done this =)

Am still doing my English essay. Started at 12 and now it's what? 5 hours into it and not yet finished? Why ah?

This is the result of having unfinished drama eps in my hd. *Bosae!! HI! I've finished the drama but 'our' part of english i write until now no finish!*

[Psst.. bosae is going to see this either today or tomorrow and boy will she have something to say, or maybe she won't cause i predicted that she'd say something =) ]

So now i'm procrastinating by typing up something in my blog. Or what is left of a blog anyway *becoming crazy because lack of sleep*

Think i might as well skip sleeping today, and head straight to eating. Boy I'm hungry, can't wait for breakfast.

Listening to: Kenji Wu's latest album. ++ Not bad la ++

Oh, and today's Amy Hui's Bday so i'm putting this 'different' cake pic here for her!

Paper Cake! =)

Happy Birthday!

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